Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Most desktop displays use cathode ray tube (CRT) or liquid crystal display (LCD) technology, while nearly all portable computing devices such as laptops incorporate LCD technology. Because of their slimmer design and lower energy consumption, monitors using LCD technology (also called flat panel or flat screen displays) are replacing the venerable CRT on most desktops.

Now lets take a look on how cathode ray tube (CRT) works. 

-The CRT Monitor that is most likely on your desktop is a cousin of your TV set. Of course they have come a long way since the TV as far as resolution is concerned offering 800X600 or better. Now you may think well why haven't TV's moved up to a better resolution if a computer has such good resolution? TV's are restricted to 525X700 and defined by NTSC (North American Television Standards Commission), surprised? Seems as if everything is made a standard and some bogus organization will make sure they make a buck on it. Well, now how does your monitor make the picture on the screen and do it fast?